Saturday, 6 June 2015

I missed my run! :(

It was on Sunday. My friends and I had registered for the Great Eastern Run. It was held at Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur and we were so excited to attend it. We prepared our shoes, shirts and everything for the run.

As far as I can remember, we were pretty ready for the run! Unfortunately, things gone wrong, really wrong. It was terribly wrong. Before I proceed with the next story, we were prepared for the run as we had our own practises like every each day in a week before the run.

And you know what was happening? I WOKE UP REALLY LATE.

Overslept. And my friend, Adriana, she tried to wake me up by whispering through my window. She did not managed to wake me up. My ears gone wrong. Literally, everything gone wrong. I woke at 7:00am and called my friend, Adriana, and I met her. We talked for an hour. Talked about this (our run). And you know what, the awe part, Adriana was in a fully dress. She wowed me!

Above all, the worst part was, we burned out our money without even running. It sounds worst. Isn't? I was so happy to get the certificate but it is not my luck where I don't even running on that day. Maybe it is just me. I don't know how to wake up on time. Or because I slept very late which was at 2:00am.

My friend texted me that he was on top of the Broga hill. What?! He woke up at 4:00am and he did not even try to wake me up. I know that he is not my roommate but I told him that I have a run in the morning. Maybe there is a reason behind all the things that happened.

God has a better plan for us. I knew that! Then, Adriana and I, went to the church. We sang 'Alleluia' on top of our lungs. Just joking. Laugh out loud. We sang Christian songs. We went to Starbucks and had my favourite drink, dark mocha. This was the better plan that God has for us.

Before we went back to UKM, we watched movie entitled spy. It is starring by Melissa McCarthy. And others too. She made me laughed out loud and so my friend. Yes, she did! We laughed so hard until I don't even notice that my eyes were teary. She is really a good actress.

At last, that's it. Wrap my day! I missed my run but a good thing is I went to church. I did not go to the church for about 2 weeks. Been busier than ever. God always has a better plan for everyone. Believe in Him and you will got it. Thank you readers!

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