Friday, 5 June 2015


Have a blast day to you who read this. Now, if you wish to learn Bidayuh's language, you can always keep in touch with me. I know, I am not that professional in Bidayuh's language but I try my best to speak in that language. Because I am Bidayuh. Proud to be Bidayuh and would love to share some words in Bidayuh. Before that, Bidayuh is people of Sarawak. Mostly in Kuching, Sarawak.

Here you go.

I - Okuk
You - Muu
People - Nya'a
Love - Nyayang
Mother - Sino
Father - Samak
Want - Laan
Go - Odi
Out - Luah
Sleep - Bo'os
What are you doing - Oni nai muu
I'm good - Okuk paguh sija
How are you - Oni abar muu
Nothing - Doik oni-oni

That's it for today. Ask me more if you think you want to learn this weird language. I called it weird because I get blur sometimes when I read it out. Laugh out loud. But I know how to read, listen and write. Do not worry. Thank you readers! Peace.

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